7 Nov 2008
21 Sept 2008
Happy \o/

"Got my dreams, got my life, got my love,/
Got my friends, got the sunshine above./
Why I'm making this hard on myself,/
When there's so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy?"
(Natasha Bedingfield - "Happy")
I've been thinking about this post, and what I want with it is to make you think about the way you face your life.
It's common to complain and get sad when bad things happen to us. Other times, we're just so "used" to saying that we're "ok", that we forget that we have a plenty of reasons to be happy. And that's what this song is all about.
What never leave us are our dreams, another thing that we keep with us no matter the situation.
Another thing that helps us facing our problems is love, and here I don't mean the love between husband and wife or between any kind of coupl. The love here is the one that parents have for their children, that the friends have one for the other. The love that lasts a lifetime.
Even when going through the worst stuff we'll always have those true friends (you know, those few but really good ones) who give us support.
And no matter what we're going through we have to remember that we have the sun above us all the time, and just as the sun, we have to learn how to shine after a cloudy day, week or month, letting all the bad stuff go and showing the world all we've got!! Because in the end we have many beautiful reasons to be happy...
8 Sept 2008
ten years later...

13 Aug 2008
A lesson from Japan
There are people that think about Japanese comics (mangás) and cartoons (animes) with the

This is all about a guy, Watanuki, who sees "bad spirits" that meets Yuko, kind of a witch who owns a shop and that can make your wishes come true (not those like "I bring your love back" or "You can get your job back", it has to do with the souls). And it's Yuko who brings the lessons to us.
The lessons I want to highlight here were given in the first episode:
- When you want something, you got to give something of the same value to pay for it, nothing comes for free t(his lesson really needs to be learnt).
- Other point is about our freedom to wish things for ourselves: we're free to wish whatever we want to our lives, and these wishes can bring either happiness or sadness, so we must pay attention, because our wishes can influence our life.
- Inside the story of a girl who had the habit of lying, Yuko shows us that there are some in stuff in our lives that only we can change, no matter what people say to us, we got to take the plunge to make the change.
Better than judging the animes, who isn't a fan should try to less narrow minded and give the Japanese a chance!! If after watching it you don't like, ok, it's your right, but maybe you'll find a new thing to do in your free time.
5 Aug 2008
30 Jul 2008
unfettered imagination

27 Jul 2008
time to unwind and... come back !

10 Jul 2008
new talents showing up...
8 Jul 2008
The disillusion of an almost.

Even worse than the certainty of no and the uncertain possibilities of maybe, is the disillusion of an "almost". It’s the almost that bothers me, that makes me sad, that shows me everything which could be, but isn’t.
Somebody who almost won had loose, somebody who almost passed didn’t make the grade on the test, somebody who almost died still alive, and somebody who almost loved didn’t love yet!
The passion burns and the love drive us crazy. Perhaps these were good reasons to decide between joys and pain, but how can you decide between a good and a bad thing and choose the one which is not good but is not bad? You prefer to don’t feel anything? Or it’s good or it’s bad! Something that’s positive is good, something that’s negative is bad and the impartial thing, what it is? Is it nothing? Is it anything?
If virtue was impartial, the sea wouldn’t have waves, the days would be cloudy and the rainbow of different tones of gray. The nothing doesn’t illuminates, doesn’t inhales, doesn’t afflicts or calms, it just extend the emptiness that each one brings inside of itself.
I’m not saying that faith can move a mountain or that we can reach the stars, only the patience remain to us for the things that we cannot modify, however, to prefer the previous defeat to the doubt of the victory is to waste the chance to deserve it.
Don’t let the destiny guiding, believe in yourself. Spend more hours achieving than dreaming, making than planning, living than waiting because, although who almost dies still alive, who is almost alive is already dead!!!
7 Jul 2008
Window to the world
Sorry for the delay...
My first post is a translation and adaptation of a text written by Martha Medeiros that has been published in "O Globo" sometime ago.
Sarah was a teenager who, as usual, couldn't neither understand nor be understood by her father. One thing that pissed her off was to travel to a neighbor city, cuz during the ride he insisted on praising the river beside the road, but when she looked through her window, she could only see a string of sewage. For her, her father was being ironic and fooling her…Oh God, she really hated that!!… Well, the years passed, Sarah’s father passed away before they could solve their issues.
One day Sarah was driving in the same road she used to hate while travelling with her father, but now she was not sitting in the passenger’s seat, she was the driver. When she looked through the window, she was able to see a gorgeous river and its pure water. In that moment she realized that her father has never lied to her, he was just telling what he was seeing through his window…and that, maybe, he didn’t even know about the dirty river on the right side of road.
It happens in our lives more often than we think. Many times we judge people cuz they don’t see the world as we do, or cuz they don’t agree with us and cuz we can’t understand why the act like they do, when the only difference is the window they use to look at the world. Instead of judging or pushing away those who think in a different way, we should try to look through the same window they use.
3 Jul 2008
New Girl In The Area!!
I promiss to post before sunday and hope you'll like what I've got for you...
30 Jun 2008
guess who we are...
I'm a new partner...
the end begins...
21 Jun 2008
how to stay cool even when panicking...

7 Jun 2008
Don´t bother, just let it be...

And to keep our brains working, let´s take a look at the lyrics to one of those masterpieces the Beatles left...
let it be
when I find myself in times of trouble
mother Mary comes to me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be
and in my hour of darkness
she is standing right in front of me,
speaking words of wisdom, let it be
let it be, let it be
whisper words of wisdom, let it be
and when the broken hearted people
living in the world agree
there will be an answer, let it be
for though they may be parted
there is still a chance that they will see
there will be an answer, let it be
let it be, let it be
let it be, let it be
there will be an answer, let it be
and when the night is cloudy
there is still a light that shines on me
shines until tomorrow, let it be
I wake up to the sound of music
mother Mary comes to me
speaking words of wisdom, let it be
let it be, let it be
there will be an answer, let it be