10 Jul 2008

new talents showing up...

as you probably know, we´ve got two new authors : Alyne and Thay. I already knew that they were great students, but it was a rewarding surprise to learn they are also incredible writers. I can even foresee their brilliant future. welcome, girls !!! You´ll rock the world!!!


Leon said...

You bet they are going to be names to remember, not only as Brazilian writers, but as international ones. I see a great future in blogging as a window to serious writing and you girls excel at it.


Alyne Bittencourt said...

thnx teacher^^
promiss i'll do my best to improve what i write and make this blog even beter (and out team seems to be very good)...

and not to loose the opportunity, i wanna ask you to leave a comment in my blog
i posted new stuff
hope you'll like it

Elaine's group said...

Dear, sorry not to answer your text message... But "happy friend's day" late. Have nice holidays...


Ruan said...

Complaint: where are the new posts? =/

Where've you been guys? Hope you're writing good stuff! =)