exchanging ideas is what keeps the world moving forwards...
Even worse than the certainty of no and the uncertain possibilities of maybe, is the disillusion of an "almost". It’s the almost that bothers me, that makes me sad, that shows me everything which could be, but isn’t.
Somebody who almost won had loose, somebody who almost passed didn’t make the grade on the test, somebody who almost died still alive, and somebody who almost loved didn’t love yet!
The passion burns and the love drive us crazy. Perhaps these were good reasons to decide between joys and pain, but how can you decide between a good and a bad thing and choose the one which is not good but is not bad? You prefer to don’t feel anything? Or it’s good or it’s bad! Something that’s positive is good, something that’s negative is bad and the impartial thing, what it is? Is it nothing? Is it anything?
If virtue was impartial, the sea wouldn’t have waves, the days would be cloudy and the rainbow of different tones of gray. The nothing doesn’t illuminates, doesn’t inhales, doesn’t afflicts or calms, it just extend the emptiness that each one brings inside of itself.
I’m not saying that faith can move a mountain or that we can reach the stars, only the patience remain to us for the things that we cannot modify, however, to prefer the previous defeat to the doubt of the victory is to waste the chance to deserve it.
Don’t let the destiny guiding, believe in yourself. Spend more hours achieving than dreaming, making than planning, living than waiting because, although who almost dies still alive, who is almost alive is already dead!!!