1 Apr 2009


Food for thought...
"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want. And, if they cannot find them, make them." George Bernard Shaw

We, human beings, tend to complain about every single thing that annoys us. The problem lies in the fact that the time we waste doing so is precious and then we end up missing out on great opportunities.

22 Jan 2009

Hello, Stranger!

About 3 months ago I was going downtown by bus. During the "trip" I tried to sleep, but couldn't, so I started to think about everything, and remembered a text of Martha Medeiros, my idol LOL. This text was about the poetry hidden inside our ordinary days, and I began to see the poetry behind those cars, the view and I was even imagining the poetry in Campo de Sant'Ana and in the magnificence of Palácio Duque de Caxias under the sunlight filtered by the clouds of that grey day.
Close to the port, a guy stood up and walked to the front of the bus, after the turnstile, waiting for the arrival at the bustop. Suddenly,as Vinícius de Moraes said:"De repente, não mais que de repente", a man walked from the back of the bus, carring a gun and told the guy not to make a move and checked inside the guys backpack. There was nothing there and the man with the gun returned to his seat. Everyone was shocked!
The guy of the backpack started complaining, said he's just a worker and so on... A few seconds later the guy of the gun stood up once again, and to my despair, he checked the bag of the guy who was sitting in front of me.
My heart was beating sooooo fast...I had to control myself and manage the amount of adrenalin that was thrown in my blood stream.
After that, everyone standing up looked like him with his gun again.
When it was 'over', I tried to see the poetry behind the everyday scenery, but every now and then the image of the gun would flash and kill the poem. Besides the fact that I mentioned that everyone seemed like him.
Only after had he left the bus everyone could breath again. A woman said he told her he was a cop, but he haven't shown an ID to anyone.

Where he was coming from, where he was going to, his name, age, true occupation, all of them I ignore, the only thing I know is that that stranger changed my day and my poetry of that day. I never doubted how short life can be, but that stranger, that tranformed my poems, reinforced that idea...

And it happens more often than we think, strangers are always changing our lives and behaviour: a book you read, an interview you watch, a lecture...You don't know those people, maybe you'll never know them, but at a moment they said or did something that made you say to yourself:"Why haven't i thought about it before??" or "I should do this!".
For the good or the bad, the strangers are there...We just need to reckon what we can allow them to change and what is better to preserve^^

7 Nov 2008

what do you make of it ?

When it comes to the name "Frankenstein", what springs to your mind ?

21 Sept 2008

Happy \o/

"Got my dreams, got my life, got my love,/

Got my friends, got the sunshine above./

Why I'm making this hard on myself,/

When there's so many beautiful reasons I have to be happy?"

(Natasha Bedingfield - "Happy")

I've been thinking about this post, and what I want with it is to make you think about the way you face your life.
It's common to complain and get sad when bad things happen to us. Other times, we're just so "used" to saying that we're "ok", that we forget that we have a plenty of reasons to be happy. And that's what this song is all about.

What never leave us are our dreams, another thing that we keep with us no matter the situation.

Another thing that helps us facing our problems is love, and here I don't mean the love between husband and wife or between any kind of coupl. The love here is the one that parents have for their children, that the friends have one for the other. The love that lasts a lifetime.

Even when going through the worst stuff we'll always have those true friends (you know, those few but really good ones) who give us support.

And no matter what we're going through we have to remember that we have the sun above us all the time, and just as the sun, we have to learn how to shine after a cloudy day, week or month, letting all the bad stuff go and showing the world all we've got!! Because in the end we have many beautiful reasons to be happy...

8 Sept 2008

ten years later...

Sorry for the delay, but the mind keeps failing as we get old. And believe me: there´s nothing we can do about it. Just pray and ask God to prevent you from getting mentally ill that fast. Of course you´ve got to do your share by reading, writing, hanging around and saying useless things from time to time in order to deceive your declining brain and pretend it works perfectly.

Well, here are the pseudonyms for the real names given some posts ago. William Bradley is the astonishing Brad Pitt. Louise Ciccone is our star that will draw crowds to Maracanã in December, Madonna. Ramón Estévez is Martin Sheen, Martin Ann Evans, George Eliot, Neftalí Reyes the inspired Pablo Neruda and Robert Zimmerman, Bob Dylan.

13 Aug 2008

A lesson from Japan

It took me quite a long period to write, but keeping two blogs and a life of studying to be on a Federal University next is quite hard... BUT HERE I AM!!!

There are people that think about Japanese comics (mangás) and cartoons (animes) with the mind full of predjudice. But mangás and animes have a lot to teach us, actually. And today's lessons are from the mangá/ anime XXX Holic. In this case, the lessons are given inside an atmosphere of magic but can be brought to the "real" word.

This is all about a guy, Watanuki, who sees "bad spirits" that meets Yuko, kind of a witch who owns a shop and that can make your wishes come true (not those like "I bring your love back" or "You can get your job back", it has to do with the souls). And it's Yuko who brings the lessons to us.

The lessons I want to highlight here were given in the first episode:

  1. When you want something, you got to give something of the same value to pay for it, nothing comes for free t(his lesson really needs to be learnt).

  2. Other point is about our freedom to wish things for ourselves: we're free to wish whatever we want to our lives, and these wishes can bring either happiness or sadness, so we must pay attention, because our wishes can influence our life.

  3. Inside the story of a girl who had the habit of lying, Yuko shows us that there are some in stuff in our lives that only we can change, no matter what people say to us, we got to take the plunge to make the change.

Better than judging the animes, who isn't a fan should try to less narrow minded and give the Japanese a chance!! If after watching it you don't like, ok, it's your right, but maybe you'll find a new thing to do in your free time.

5 Aug 2008

Hello everyone! That my last post was not me who wrote, it was my teacher. And I wanted to say also that, I won a certificate of good student (I´ve got 9 in my final grade) and I am very happy! Ah ... sorry for don`t have wrote nothing
In the holidays…

Bye-bye ;-D